---------------------------------------------- | TECHNICAL REPORT ECE-96-1 | | January 1996 | | Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering | | University of Victoria | ---------------------------------------------- TITLE: Optimal Total Exchange in Cayley Graphs AUTHORS: V. V. Dimakopoulos and N. J. Dimopoulos NOTE: Submitted for publication ABSTRACT Consider an interconnection network and the following situation: every node needs to send a different message to every other node. This is the {\itshape total exchange\/} problem, one of a number of information dissemination problems known as collective communications. Under the assumption that a node can send and receive only one message at each step ({\itshape single-port\/} model) it is seen that the minimum time required to solve the problem is governed by the status (or total distance) of the nodes in the network. We present here a time-optimal solution for any Cayley network. Rings, hypercubes, cube-connected cycles, butterflies are some well-known Cayley networks which can take advantage of our method. The solution is based on a class of algorithms which we call {\itshape node-invariant\/} algorithms and which behave uniformly across the network. KEYWORDS: Cayley graphs, collective communications, intercon- nection networks, total exchange (multiscattering) AMS(MOS) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATIONS: 94C15, 68M10, 68R10, 68Q22, 05C25